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And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.


Good quality, quick service, fair prices

and long term relationship

Vegan Trade NL is an international trading company that supplies large quantities of raw materials for the food industry, such as different kinds of wheat, yellow corn, sunflower oil, vital wheat gluten and more to any possible country in the world. With a single object to deliver the very best products from around the world to its clients spread around the globe.


Vegan Trade NL works closely together with key partners in the world supply chain of food, thus offering to its clients in Europe and around the world the very best, and the highest quality of products at the most reasonable prices.

We are committed to long-term business relationships and want to contribute to the community we live and work in.


We strive every day to supply more products with the greatest care. Expanding to new territories from the world to the world, we believe in nurturing new contacts and adding more value to the existing clientele. We have also Vegan Trade in Colombia, South America. Do you have specific wishes? Please let us know. We will be delighted to serve you!

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Vegan Trade NL

KVK: 83880305

VAT: NL003884321B81

Kervelseweg 38, 7255KW Hengelo Gld Netherlands.​​


Warehouse address: Molenenk 3 (achter), 7255 AX, Hengelo Gld.


Tel: +31 (0)6 1270 7424​

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